Reunion in Cremona is the name of the exhibition that is taking place at the Museo del Violino from September 21 2019 and October 18 2020. It is a “reunion” indeed between historical instruments made by the great violinmakers of the past and their birthplace. Within important exhibition are displayed 8 masterpieces of cremonese classical violinmaking tradition and a bow attributed to the workshop of the famous Antonio Stradivari that the National Music Museum of Vermillion, South Dakota decided to house to the Museo del Violino during the renovation of its building and the expansion of the exhibiting areas.
The NMM is one of the most important musical instruments museums in the world, with more than 15000 pieces divided into different collections. The “Witten- Rawlins Collection” is of particular interest for Cremona.
The instruments will be not only on display in the Museo del Violino, but also will undergo a complete non-invasive sientific examination in the Arvedi Labsof the University of Pavia within the Museo del Violino.
Antonio e Girolamo Amati- violino “The King Henry IV”, 1595 ca.
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Girolamo Amati- violino, 1609
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Girolamo Amati- violino piccolo, 1613
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Nicolò Amati- violino, 1628
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Antonio Stradivari- mandolino coristo “The Cutler- Channel”, 1680
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Antonio Stradivari- chitarra “The Rawlins”, 1700
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
attribuito alla bottega di Antonio Stradivari- archetto da violino, 1700 ca.
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Nicola Bergonzi- viola 1781
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)
Lorenzo Storioni- violino 1/2, 1793
(National Music Museum, Vermillion- South Dakota)