
On June 3 2019 in Puebla (Mexico) at the Museo Internacional del Barroco, was opened the exhibition “Los Violines de Cremona: Stradivari, el barroco y más allá”, by the Museo del Violino. The opening ceremony started with a performance on the famous violin “Marquis de Riviere” made by Antonio Stradivari in 1718, that arrived in Puebla thank within the “friends of Stradivari” network project.

The exhibition includes photos and videos of the town and of the Museum, is composed as well as 14 instruments that tell the history of Cremona and the five centuries of the Cremonese violinmaking tradition, of Andrea and Nicolò Amati, of Stradivari, Guarneri del Gesù, Storioni, and of the modern violinmaking with the inlaid quartet of the Master Marcello Villa. Also, there are Baroque instruments on loan from the International School of Violinmaking of Cremona, a copy of the Baroque guitar by Stradivari and the artifacts of the Antonio Stradivari workshop. The exhibition ends on October 20th.