Cremona opens its doors to the world. This is the spirit with which the Stradivari Foundation has launched the “friends of Stradivari” project, an international network bringing together people who possess, use or keep in custody instruments of the Cremonese classical violin making tradition, as well as people who study them, love them or just want to support the promotion and development of the violin making tradition from a cultural standpoint. As a result, a true virtual community is developing, which shares the same passion for violin making but is also very much fond of Cremona. Indeed, participants can actively participate in the Foundation’s initiatives by sharing ideas and suggestions or through the organization of opportunities for reciprocal collaboration. Within this program, the Foundation has started a project to house important classical-school instruments from all over the world in new Museo del Violino.
Cremona, which five centuries ago was the cradle of instrument making and today is an undisputed center of excellence, offers the owners of these masterpieces the possibility to display them with every guarantee of security and professionalism. This way, instruments that would otherwise not be accessible to the public can be viewed, admired and studied by the expert and qualified visitors who come to Cremona from the world over, retracing the footsteps of the great Masters. Furthermore, the Museum renew itself over time and become more and more attractive, and the central role of Cremona in the violin making world will be reinforced. Friends of Stradivari project
Paolo Bodini
President “friends of Stradivari”
Virginia Villa
Director of the Fondazione Museo del Violino Antonio Stradivari, Cremona